Wednesday, April 2, 2014


    Seeing that I truly believe that you know more about this band than I do, O RELIOPS of melodious stench...I won't pontificate (I know that's hard to believe ;)  )

   I first became aware of this band circa 2004 or so when doing internet searches relating to C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.  I have always appreciated musicians (especially rock/pop artists) who wrote music that adapted or was inspired by works of fantasy, science-fiction, and great novels.  I was pleasantly suprised that GLASS HAMMER had two albums that fit this criteria: "Journey of the Dunaden" (1993) and "Perelandra" (1995).  Although I have to this date heard neither of these albums I do recommend to one and all the novel by Lewis, "Perelandra" (the middle novel of his Deep Space Trilogy).   Using maybe for one of the first times, I purchased the "then" current disc of GH entitled "Shadowlands," which is also a reference to the writing of C.S. Lewis.

   It is a magnificent album and I post (below) my favorite track from this 2004 disc.  The vocals of Susie Bogdanowicz over/under & with the male vocalist is ethereal and beautiful...striking in that it's telling the story of a very nasty and brutish war stallion during a crucial cavalry battle.

   I of course have heard other songs by GH (via various sources) but they are notoriously reticent about letting full versions of their songs appear either on Youtube or their own site(s).  I think this is a mistake as the more their music is made readily available the more rabid fans they attract.  They are much beloved neo-prog band (3rd wave) and constantly receive rave reviews on various prog-rock sites.

   They are Eugor's:  FAVORITE ROCK/POP BAND  #  63  GLASS HAMMER


  1. It was strange listening to their southern accents when they were talking to audience and then to hear what sounds like English accents when they are singing. very good band on records as well as in person.

  2. Oh man...I forgot, you got to see GH perform live on the Prog Cruise cool. I envy you Space Emperor. Did they have their new (or newer) lead vocalist Jon Davison? Great things do come out of Tennessee, (in addition to Whisky) algore notwithstanding ;)
